I'll start with wishing you a wonderful 2011! Looking back on 2010 it was a year in which I was able to do lots of things. These are my highlights: |
In February 2010 I started as an intern at Deloitte at the Online Employer Marketing department. I had been given the opportunity to develop myself in many ways.
I went to CUBA with my boyfriend Sander! It was an amazing holiday
got a chance to swim with the dolphins, went to a sigar factory in Holguín, did some sightseeing in Santiago de Cuba and met great (Dutch)people!
My Friend Marinka and I went to visit our cousins in London. London is like coming home, because half of my family lives there.
My friend Rhoda and I went to Barcalona and we fell in love with the city! Thanks to Piero, Renato and Hector we explored the city at his best.
Dam tot Damloop
Together with my friend Penny, I did a run of 10 miles (Dam tot Damloop).
I'm very proud we made it to the end!
A big thanks to all of my dear friends & family for being there for me in 2010!
Thnx for stopping by
Xx Sana
Wow jij hebt ook veel reisjes gemaakt zeg ! Superstoeer dat je de Dam tot Damloop hebt gelopen. Kan je inderdaad erg trots op zijn. Nu nog de marathon van New York ;-)